Life is Precious.

Protect people. Preserve your brand. Ensure that your food products remain safe and fresh throughout their shelf-life with WTI’s ingredients.


WTI has been providing functional food ingredients for decades.
We introduced vinegar as an effective, clean label alternative to lactates and diacetates, which transformed the industry. WTI led the clean label change by developing ingredients that are simple, clean, and safe.

Our ingredients enhance food safety and preservation, extend shelf-life and reduce food waste, prolong freshness, brighten flavor, and increase yield in meat, poultry, seafood, prepared foods, soups, sauces, dips, dressings, and pet food.

Ensure Food Safety and Preservation.

Provide an additional hurdle to protect consumers from foodborne illnesses, like Listeria monocytogenes, with WTI’s antimicrobials.

WTI’s products are renowned for consistency in both performance and quality, ensuring that your products are safe and flavorful.

WTI’s technology primarily uses two base ingredients, vinegar and lemon, that are naturally-derived from plant-based sources. These are familiar, natural, and sustainably sourced ingredients.

Extend Shelf-Life. Reduce Food Waste.

Preserve food, prolong shelf-life, and produce safer, fresher, tastier, and cleaner label products with WTI’s functional food ingredients.

Experience our people and our solutions. Our focus is narrow and intentional. We believe in being experts when it comes to earning your trust as a critical control point (CCP).

WTI is known for ingredient consistency, our integrity and vast industry knowledge, and most importantly, providing solutions to meet our customers’ challenges.

Our team of food scientists and culinary experts partner with customers to develop unique solutions. We have state-of-the-art processing facilities to simulate most food applications, a modern ingredient pilot plant, and a Biosafety Level II laboratory, all to explore the development of novel ingredients.

Enhance Yield and Quality.

Improve yields and reduce purge. Improve texture and juiciness. Enhance consumer craveability with WTI’s ingredients.